The Performance Autonomy Model


It’s no secret that remote work life has drastically changed the workforce since the COVID-19 pandemic. And at Boathouse, we found this to be the perfect opportunity to radically redefine the way we work—because we believe work is no longer a physical space.

The results were conclusive: 88 percent of Bher’s feel a flexible working model is the best approach for a successful future of work. Usher in The Performance Autonomy Model. “I believe it’s a modern way to look at the workplace,” said Jennifer O’Connor, a Boathouse Principal. “We are truly leaning into autonomy—allowing employees to work where they feel most productive, where they feel they can create the most innovative and high-quality work.”

We’re deciding what works best for us. So for our office-goers who crave the separation of work and life, there are collaborative spaces available and Zoom rooms designated for effective video conferencing, while home-office fans don’t need to head out anytime soon. But the changes don’t stop there.

This flexible work environment harnesses technology’s evolution. We’re on the lookout for innovative methods that’ll optimize our current tech stack, such as artificial intelligence. We’re asking, “What will drive productivity and support us in hitting the mark for our clients time and time again?” By implementing the newest strategies, we’re optimizing client performance. 

Our goals include attracting and retaining the best talent and maintaining our competitive edge. We’re now able to tap into a larger talent pool, with the ability to hire from anywhere in the world. It’s no wonder that 12 percent of our employees now reside in a different state, which is a record high. 

And although we may not all be in the same space anymore, that won’t stop us from building community through social events. With a flexible model, we’re implementing physical and virtual experiences for ultimate inclusivity. (Thank you, Zoom/Google Hangouts.) 

At Boathouse, we don’t shy away from a challenge. Taking things on is in our blood (just ask us about our offsite sometime). We lean in, level up, and hunt for sustainable solutions that drive the thing we care about most: performance. 

Here are a few standout data points from our future-of-work survey:

  • 88% of our workers want a hybrid working model

  • 67% of our employees plan to go to the office 0–2 days a week

  • 12% of our workers live in a different state

  • 28% of our employees were hired during the pandemic

For more insights; please fill out the form below to download our Future Of Work study:


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