Boathouse Insights

ANA Boathouse ANA Boathouse

What Your CEO Really Thinks

Driven by technology and a more informed consumer, CMOs are expanding their digital prowess into advanced analytics and tracking, generative AI, and consumer intelligence tools to adapt, execute, and measure their return on resources. This new evolution of Marketing is more foreign to CEOs, given that few come from a marketing background.

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Candid Boathouse Candid Boathouse

Raising the bar for public-private partnership in 2024 and beyond

A successful partnership between corporations and nonprofits should involve more than minimal sponsorship. Too often, corporate partners sign up to give advice and approve content but never put up the dollars to campaign successfully for the change they claim to be seeking. Expecting a nonprofit to front the marketing and communications costs at the level and reach needed to make a real impact is unrealistic.

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Transform Boathouse Transform Boathouse

Postcard from Waltham, Massachusetts

Bob Fitzgerald is the creative director at US-based independent marketing and communications agency Boathouse. He discusses with Transform the branding scene in Massachusetts, the challenges of modern design and how the city of Waltham inspires his work.

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Boathouse Boathouse

How AI Is Reshaping Social

Boathouse Creative Director, Social Strategy and Content Geoff Gates recently participated in a panel at PR Daily's Social Media Virtual Summit titled How AI is Reshaping Social.

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Boathouse Boathouse

What Matters to Bob Fitzgerald

Bob Fitzgerald is a creative director for Boathouse, a full-service integrated marketing and communications agency in Boston, where he “humbly cuts through the bullshit.”

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