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Raising the bar for public-private partnership in 2024 and beyond

A successful partnership between corporations and nonprofits should involve more than minimal sponsorship. Too often, corporate partners sign up to give advice and approve content but never put up the dollars to campaign successfully for the change they claim to be seeking. Expecting a nonprofit to front the marketing and communications costs at the level and reach needed to make a real impact is unrealistic.

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Postcard from Waltham, Massachusetts

Bob Fitzgerald is the creative director at US-based independent marketing and communications agency Boathouse. He discusses with Transform the branding scene in Massachusetts, the challenges of modern design and how the city of Waltham inspires his work.

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Boathouse Group Launches Social Impact Practice

"Measurable societal impact in action requires online and offline efforts. We understand how to deliver this...Whether the focus is equity and inclusion, specific social issues, corporate social responsibilities, philanthropy, employee trust, or all of these, being purpose-driven in our narrative and how we define and identify the impact is our focus."

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Boathouse Group Launches Influencer Marketing Capability

“Influencer engagement is a natural extension of our communications and organic social capabilities, both of which are critical parts of our mix. We expect that it will give us an even more competitive offer and, more important, give our clients a greater competitive advantage in their marketing,” Peter Prodromou, Boathouse president and leader of the company’s strategic communications capability told Adweek.

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